
Sins of a Galactic Empire Old Republic

Sins of a Galactic Empire Old Republic

480px-NR Seal.svg.png

The New Democracy is one of vi playable factions bachelor in Sins of a Galactic Empire.

History [ ]

Wookieepedia commodity: New Republic

Nosotros, the Beings of the Galaxy, in guild to form a complimentary union of planets, establish justice, provide for common peace and prosperity, and to secure liberty for all beings, do ordain and establish this New Republic. Permit the stars sing! Let the planets shout! Allow the Democracy begin!

- Extract from the Annunciation of a New Democracy

The New Commonwealth was the name of the galactic government established past the Alliance to Restore the Republic to replace the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor. Like its predecessor, it was oft simply referred to equally the Republic; less often, it was referred to as the New Galactic Commonwealth or the 2d Galactic Republic.

Formed in four ABY, after the dissolution of the old Alliance of Gratuitous Planets (which was formed directly later on the Battle of Endor as an intermediate government), it was to get the supreme governmental authority of the galaxy. The "New" Republic was supposed to be a sort of continuation of the original Galactic Republic that had become known as the Old Commonwealth at that time.

The New Commonwealth was founded on the aforementioned principle that the erstwhile Galactic Commonwealth was thousands of generations before: to have a representative parliamentary trunk govern the galaxy in a fair and equal style, while being designed to eradicate the shortcomings that brought about the Galactic Republic's downfall in 19 BBY. The New Republic was protected past the New Jedi Gild, which was established past Luke Skywalker, but as the Sometime Republic was once protected by the Onetime Jedi Order.

Because of the restoration of the Galactic Republic, the Empire sometimes referred to the New Democracy as the Former Order, to oppose their New Order, while in reject.

Tactics [ ]

The New Democracy features a mixture of Rebellion and Majestic characteristics in their ships, creating a fusion of styles and tactics. They have many ships which tin perform a variety of roles. Their technology upgrades are the same as that of the Rebel Alliance, the predecessor of the New Commonwealth. Equally such they tend to lack in the economical section. Regardless of this, the New Commonwealth is a threat at all points of the game, a jack of all trades in approach.

Ships [ ]

New Republic Structures
Logistics: Neutronium ExtractorLommite ExtractorFrigate FactoryCapital Ship FactorySupercap FoundryMilitary Research StationCivic Research StationSpaceportHoloNet Relay StationOrbital Refinery
Tactical: Turbolaser PlatformIon Cannon PlatformMissile PlatformHangar Defense forceArmada Maintenance PlatformGravity Well GeneratorShield GeneratorProximity Mine Field
New Republic Ships
Back up ships: ProwlerHajen Support DeutschlandSacheen-form FRGDefender-class CRS-HCorellian CR90 CVTHeavy ConstructorCC-7700 IN-FRGAgave Sentinel CVT
Combat ships: Corona-grade Federal republic of germanyProficient-class CRS-Fifty
Capital Ships: Majestic-class CRS-HHapan Boxing Dragon CRS-HBothan Assault CRSMon Cal AFC-HMC90 Due south-CRSNebula SDRejuvenator-form SD
Super Uppercase Ships: Mediator S-DNViscount S-DN
Starbase: Golan III Starbases
New Republic Tech Tree
Military TreeDefense TreeNoncombatant TreeDiplomacy Tree
Other races
Galactic DemocracyGalactic EmpireCISRebel BrotherhoodYuuzhan Vong

Sins of a Galactic Empire Old Republic

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