
Redline Ts 4000 Hd Plus Sat Receiver

Redline Ts 4000 Hd Plus Sat Receiver

Redline Satellite Receivers - Satellite TV Technology (ii) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Amusement / TV/Movies / Satellite TV Technology / Redline Satellite Receivers (33697 Views)

Solutions To The Problem Of All IKS Dongle Receivers QSAT, AONE ,TLINK ETC / High Definition Receivers(hd) / Stiff Receivers Thread (2) (iii) (4)

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Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by permie(m): 12:08pm On Mar 13, 2013
I Hacked:

TS 3000HD, TS 100, TS 300

recollect it is free gift, and dont forget all your FTA channels like amos 5i,astra2f,and what yous can call up of are still yours
and you nevertheless take option to add your own thing autonomously from the complimentary gift
any tertiary part option too is bachelor,

@ I Hacked, how can i get to the server setting and emu key listing. As well you got mail

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past IHacked: 1:50pm On Mar 13, 2013

@ I Hacked, how tin i become to the server setting and emu key list. Also you got mail

Go to >menu< then >settings< go to >upgrade< press ok and enter your code get to supper settings

then press blue key when you are on youcam and the same on iptv savor

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by IHacked: 1:58pm On Mar 13, 2013


Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by IHacked: ii:04pm On Mar 13, 2013


Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by IHacked: ii:07pm On Mar 13, 2013

@ I Hacked, how can i get to the server setting and emu primal list. Also you got mail

i hope you will exist OK now but
fell free to email if you lot steel dont understand i or two things

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by permie(m): 7:14pm On Mar 13, 2013
I Hacked:

Go to >menu< and so >settings< become to >upgrade< press ok and enter your code go to supper settings

so press blue key when you are on youcam and the aforementioned on iptv enjoy

@ I Hacked, thanks i got the Super setting later on inputing 6969 but the iptv ain't changing when i press the blue button or i take to be connected to internet and the third option ain't working?. Likewise the channel listing is not going beyond read data when upgrading, what could be the issue? or the folder is compressed but it is not showing on my reckoner that i have to extract. Help where to download the new software and check your mail.

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past Ameboperoo(m): 8:56pm On Mar xiii, 2013

I hack how can u postal service such pix on a public forum like this. I recall u are taking this thing too far now. I promise the moderators practise something near this before u turn this identify to something else.

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past olenyi(m): 10:16am On Mar 14, 2013
Ameboperoo: I hack how can u mail service such pix on a public forum similar this. I think u are taking this thing too far now. I hope the moderators practice something about this before u plow this place to something else.

I had always wanted to say something about dis. But i said i should go on my cool.

Before it was the norm to call downwardly the gods of FTA on anyone who and then much equally makes a hint at avater/dongle, etc. But since I Hacked started his marketing of his receivers (which he has apparently said opens up all paid boob tube packeges), it has existence a gratis for all open discussion.

The last time i checked, it is still confronting our gentlemen's agreement not to talk of these thing on this forum.

We once had the yahoo group. Fifty-fifty the mod opened a backyard announcement thread for such things. (and i remember for one to gain access into the grouping was like looking for an american visa.)

Now i ask - what happened to our rules.

I must lay this at the doorstep of our modernistic who has literaly left the states to our own devices. (no slight intended on the person of our modern). This is one of the threads on nairaland where their is no modernistic supervision anymore. Its only the spambot -pyguru- dat does as it likes at present. (And banned me for three weeks for a harmless mail service)

Are we at present supporsed to report directly to seun before action is taken.

If our modern is too occupied these days, he could permit another person use his administrative privilages or better still, tell seun to appoint another mod.

Every bit I Hacked is now given free rein, couldn't we at present confortably open a thread on avater/dongle discussions because everything is at present openly discussed.

Lets wait and encounter how this plays out.


1 Like

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by nzeval(chiliad): i:01pm On Mar 14, 2013

@I Hacked please how tin we get dis your Redline receiver in Nigeria .

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by twinstaiye(g): 5:14pm On Mar 15, 2013

There is nothing wrong in telling FTA enthusiasts about Red Line Decoder, only equally there is a thread opened for Strong, Openbox, Orton etc. Notwithstanding, all I tried to practice is monitor where he is going extreme maxim it can open up dstv. If yous want to report to Admin, you can practise so, I wonder why y'all dont desire to brand apply of "Written report to Moderator"? I hasten to add that, Nobody gives Ihacked gratis reign, so, dont incite FTA enthusiasts here delight.

1 Like

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by Ameboperoo(thousand): v:35pm On Mar fifteen, 2013


twinstaiye: @Olenyi.
There is nothing incorrect in telling FTA enthusiasts about Red Line Decoder, simply as there is a thread opened for Potent, Openbox, Orton etc. Still, all I tried to practice is monitor where he is going farthermost saying information technology can open dstv. If you lot want to written report to Admin, yous can do so, I wonder why you dont desire to brand use of "Written report to Moderator"? I hasten to add that, Nobody gives Ihacked free reign, then, dont incite FTA enthusiasts here please.

Then Twinst is still on this forum! Skilful to know o

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by pofolo(m): 6:10pm On Mar fifteen, 2013
Ameboperoo: tongue So Twinst is still on this forum! Good to know o

i also came to know he was yesterday, i had busst some issues to his knowing........

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by nzeval(thou): 6:48pm On Mar 15, 2013

this kind of advertisement ,,i remember it'southward time to finish is .my reason is this since advert of Redline Receiver no answer about to go ,(2) i hacked transport one mobile number uptill now you lot tin can never get through ,is it 419 business organisation or Redline receiver will sale it self ,when ever we ask about Redline no respond after I Hacked will exist proceed on telling the states about it .so I Hacked delight is this Redline a ghost receiver

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by permie(g): ix:20pm On Mar xv, 2013

@ I Hacked, thank you lot the iptv worked but am withal to unlock the tertiary pick. Waiting for your tutorials.
Its a great receiver with adept features and picture

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by olenyi(m): eleven:22pm On Mar fifteen, 2013

@Oga mod,

Its really great hearing from u after so long. My warm regards.

twinstaiye: @Olenyi.
In that location is nix wrong in telling FTA enthusiasts about Carmine Line Decoder, merely equally at that place is a thread opened for Strong, Openbox, Orton etc. However, all I tried to do is monitor where he is going extreme saying information technology can open dstv.

I stand to be corrected oga mod, only as i stated earlier, somethings which i came to learn were off-topic on this board is now being openly discussed. For instance

I Hacked:
all costless channels in Nigerian it will open up them you will have 68 36 also for free
I Hacked: redline model TS 3000 Hard disk drive is Mpeg4 Hard disk drive decoder it support Cccam,Newcamd,Gscam
it support dongle and many more but no need Cccam or anything cos it have recam in it later on you lot buy you go software to activate it no need to buy whatever thing
it support Usb modem that work every whereso no need router and it accept IPTV with 360 channels for total 1 yr and DSTV,Mytv and two TP now on canal but will add rest at canalsat
I Hacked:
remember all this STB are universal it works both FTA and pay TV likewise information technology support CCCamd, newcamd,evercam,ecam,gsmcam,Redcam EMU,biss,DCW,
and works on any satellite
I Hacked:
you dont need avata at all but you can utilise avater for it or cccam for it and many more
merely I dont see why you volition utilise this things
all you need is in REDLINE model TS 3000 HD

twinstaiye: @Olenyi. . Nonetheless, all I tried to do is monitor where he is going extreme saying it tin can open dstv.

And these posts are still their for all to encounter.
Like i said, what is unlike from this and the era of avater. Yet nosotros shouted avater down. Even to post biss key hither was once a ''ban-able'' offence.

twinstaiye: If you want to report to Admin, you tin can practice so, I wonder why you dont want to make use of "Report to Moderator"?

Yous got me out of context. I didn't mean i was going to the admin. Only dat ur presence is existence missed.
I'grand e'er checking ur contour and i encounter u come online frequently. But u dont permit us experience ur presence. Lets just say I (we) miss u. Of all the initial starters of FTA, we at present have just few of them still actively posting and information technology wouldn't exist a bad idea to have u around also joining issues with u.s..

Nosotros at present have guys (fifty-fifty me) opening similar threads to already existing ones, derailing threads, etc, and goose egg is washed.

If u check my profile, once or twice, i tried opening like threads to existing ones in other sections, and within 24hrs, the unlike mods have already airtight my thread and redirected me to the correct ones.

U see guys in other threads begging mods not to ban them for posting nonsense. Lets have that back here then their can be some level of sanity and orderliness on this lath. (i wouldn't mind getting banned myself if am out of line).

twinstaiye: @Olenyi.
I hasten to add that, Nobody gives Ihacked complimentary reign, so, dont incite FTA enthusiasts here please.

Its really a pity yous feel this way. Was merely saying it as i felt and giving my take on the topic. And maybe u didn't see those images I Hacked uploaded before nosotros complained and he edited it.

No one is saying I Hacked shouldn't sell his market. I wouldn't discourage anyone from ownership it from him, but like the days of old, lets be discreet. These things are best discussed over email. Not openly here. Lets all put easily together and return this lath to its original celebrity.

I notwithstanding take a great respect for your person and zippo has taken that away.

Just my one-half cent.

Regards, olenyi.

1 Similar

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by freshp(m): 5:09pm On Mar 16, 2013

well time things will take the shape required . . . our mod is only a fiddling decorated.allow us brand apply of the "report to moderator" option.

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by twinstaiye(thou): 5:30pm On Mar 16, 2013

I visited this sections from time to time which u won't know because most of what I do is mod duties. The fact that I don't post doesn't mean I am missing on my duties as mods. Now, u know my email and u tin make use of "study to moderator" every bit provided, anything brusk of that ways you are querying my moderatorship, which I am not frowning at only i will rather u don't pretend that you want to be a moderator to which I will suggest you employ to the Admin. Having said this, those links u pointed out can be reported using report to moderator instead of making it sounds as if I lacked in my duties. For abstention of doubt Redline Decoder is just like whatever other decoder but not a gadget and the fact that it was mentioned that it can opened dstv does not hateful I should discontinued the thread, but that it won't exist encouraged. A good fellow member pointed the pic to me using the "report to Moderator" and I had since removed the offensive film, if you yourself should report whatever illegal thing to me, I will equally take the same measure instead of broadcasting it here for all to experience the modern doesnt exercise his piece of work. Lastly, If yous indeed respect my person, then email me, delight note that that this will exist my concluding reply.

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past IHacked: 8:57pm On Mar 17, 2013
nzeval: this kind of advert ,,i think it'south fourth dimension to stop is .my reason is this since advert of Redline Receiver no respond about to go ,(2) i hacked send i mobile number uptill now you tin can never become through ,is information technology 419 business or Redline receiver will sale it cocky ,when ever nosotros ask nigh Redline no respond after I Hacked will exist keep on telling us well-nigh it .then I Hacked please is this Redline a ghost receiver

hehe ghost receiver haha you come across i hacked would just tell you what is new and how it piece of work remember he is non in your country.

419 for what?

if i were you i will ask user proper noun permie which function of country are you in? where did you lot got your box from

is the box good or not?
where can i get ane . very simple all the same you tin use or call (00234) 8132 404 290 recollect this is FTA decoder

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by IHacked: 9:20pm On Mar 17, 2013
permie: @ I Hacked, thank y'all the iptv worked but am yet to unlock the 3rd selection. Waiting for your tutorials.
Its a groovy receiver with skillful features and film

sorry for belatedly respond now download new software again this is version 3312 only you can chose not to download if you lot are ok with former 1 this one will add together daily motion for you lot

about $ channel please use my email

this is 3 sat ch data

new software

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by nzeval(m): 9:38pm On Mar 17, 2013

@ I Hacked ,at present you accept come up ,cheers for your reply merely the number you transport is non complete here is what you send ( 00234812404290 .information technology remain

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past IHacked: 12:56am On Mar 18, 2013
nzeval: @ I Hacked ,now you have come ,thanks for your respond but the number you send is not consummate here is what y'all send ( 00234812404290 .information technology remain

lamentable check the number once again (00234) 0813 240 428 0

Recollect the box is FTA box and you volition know more than those who sell this box but download your software here
and your channels data likewise to make it piece of cake or practice it Manuel

thank you

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past nzeval(m): vii:27am On Mar xviii, 2013

@ I Hacked cheers for the number ,i volition go far touch with u

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by olenyi(chiliad): 8:47am On Mar 18, 2013
I Hacked:

about $ aqueduct delight utilise my email

@ I Hacked.

Now u come. This is more than similar it.

My warm regards.

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by permie(yard): viii:04pm On Mar eighteen, 2013
I Hacked:

lamentable for late reply now download new software once again this is version 3312 just you can chose not to download if you are ok with old one this one will add daily motion for you

about $ channel please use my email

this is 3 sat ch data

new software

Thanx I Hacked, i had searched for the software and downloaded it. Check your mail for the ane'southward i had sent before since bug started

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past Nobody: 12:13pm On Mar 20, 2013
sokopion: nice box

sokopion,practise u need to upload any software into srt 4940 earlier it can work with cccam?

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by Nobody: two:33pm On Mar 20, 2013

i hacked,tin u pls guide me on how to use cccam on srt 4940?exercise i demand to upload whatsoever software into d box b4 it tin work with cccam?

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by IHacked: 5:06pm On Mar 20, 2013
ayolacz: i hacked,can u pls guide me on how to use cccam on srt 4940?do i need to upload whatever software into d box b4 it tin piece of work with cccam?

go your self Redline TS 3000 Hard disk or Redline TS 300 and you will be ok

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by sokopion(m): 5:10pm On Mar 20, 2013
ayolacz: sokopion,do u need to upload any software into srt 4940 earlier information technology can work with cccam?

yes you need software to be able to get the option without it you will not get that options

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by Nobody: 3:42am On Mar 21, 2013

yes you need software to be able to get the selection without information technology you volition not get that options

sokopion,can u pls send d software to my post or upload it on this thread. My email is kingdom. Thank u

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past permie(m): half-dozen:42am On Mar 21, 2013
I Hacked:

almost $ channel please apply my email

@ I Hacked check your electronic mail

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers past badaru1(m): 8:51am On Mar 21, 2013

This redline receiver from the features I saw is nearly the aforementioned thing with Tiger Z250. Tiger is far cheaper than the redline. If yous tin can not become for redline then go for Tiger which nigh half the price

Re: Redline Satellite Receivers by swordswifter: 9:29am On Mar 21, 2013
badaru1: This redline receiver from the features I saw is well-nigh the same affair with Tiger Z250. Tiger is far cheaper than the redline. If you can not get for redline then go for Tiger which nearly half the price

lololololololololol........ At that place are notwithstanding treasures unknown. Look at what the grandfather of FTA has just dropped. Another gem in the archives. Equally for me, i'll always acquire in the shadows. Bigups bro. Will get in touch with you with a proposal soon. Let's keep the discussions going guys. Good work.

Redline Ts 4000 Hd Plus Sat Receiver

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